2024 Happenings

First Annual Dirty Bird’s Music Fest


Once again, we will be offering locally made compost for sale in April. $5/5 gallon bucket. First come first served. Email us if you are interested in purchasing compost, so we can schedule pick up times and payment with you.

COMmunity worm composting club

We will be continuing the Dirty Bird’s Community Compost Club, so keep the food scraps coming and tell your friends and neighbors to get on the worm composting train with us so we can keep all of this food waste out of the landfill and watch the worms turn it into black gold. We will be building more worm bins, offering worm castings for sale, and helping individuals get set up with their own home systems. Get in touch if you want in on all of the worm action!


Thanks to all of you who came to Community Sauna Nights on the lot in 2023. North Coast Saunas will be offering mobile sauna rentals delivered to your home or vacation rental, pop up experiences on the beach and other wellness services as 2024 unfolds. If you want to stay in the know, sign up for their e-newsletter here.


Mark your calendars and stay in touch for our second annual music event, Nest Fest 2024, happening on July 7th 12-10pm on the lot.

If you have a project you need help getting off the ground let us know. We have over 20 years of experience and love helping launch new community projects. Stay in touch and here’s to the coming of Spring!


Worms. WormS. Worms.