7/7 Nestfest.live

7/7 Nestfest.live

Purpose driven. Community minded. creatively executed.


It all starts with the soil babies! So that is where we are starting. With yummy, delicious and nutritious, compost! Some call it Good Earth. I call it Nehalem Valley Gold. Locally created from area food scraps, coffee grounds, manure from grass fed beef cattle, whey, silage straw and yard debris from organic flower operation. This will make your plants soooo happy and so healthy, and if you eat your plants it will make you healthy! Get some of this black gold while it lasts.

Email us for Details

We Love worms.

Worms are magic! Did you know that worms can eat half of their body weight in a day, so a pound of worms can process ½ lb. of food scraps every day. Our onsite vermicomposting systems are filled with worms. Anyone and everyone is invited to add their food scraps to the bins. The best foods for worms come from plants. This includes grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. Plant matter is filled with nutrients and vitamins that worms need. Please cut everything into small pieces, with a knife or food processor before you add it.

Join Community Compost Club

We love plants.

Especially natives and edibles! Dirty Birds invites you to find ways to reduce your impact and live more in harmony with our natural surroundings. We support plants that feed us and our pollinators. Planting more native plants provides them with the food and shelter they need all year ‘round. Planting more edibles is good for you and the planet! Edible landscaping incorporates fruit-bearing plants, culinary herbs, vegetables, and flowers that you can—yes—eat! Blueberries, strawberries, rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, onions, garlic, chives, artichokes, citrus blossom, clover, daisies, dandelions, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lavender, lilac, mums, nasturtium, pansies, roses, sunflowers and violets, among others.

We love live MUSIC.

Our first annual Music Fest was a huge hit so we are bringing it back in 2024. Mark your calendars for July 7th 12pm - 10pm for Nest Fest 2024. We love live music and supporting musicians from around the Pacific Northwest. If you are interested in playing Nest Fest, please email us.

We love incubating new ideas.

Dirty Bird’s is our community playground and a local incubator for new projects and community offerings! A place where we can come together, celebrate, create, explore, listen, learn and gather.

Do you have an idea and need help making it happen? Get in touch with us and we can schedule a time to meet.

Incubator Services and Consulting

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