Community compost club

Are you interested in worm farming/vermicomposting? It is super fun, does not require heat to break things down, and creates a beautiful soil amendment that you can use safely in your garden.

Join us on May 24th 5-7pm for our first Community Compost Club meeting onsite (corner of Manzanita and Division). Email queenbee@dirtybirdsgardencenter to RSVP.

Dirty Bird's Garden Center will be built on the vacant lot on the corner of Division and Manzanita across from Underhill Plaza. Until we have a building, we are doing programming and events with local partners to support top sustainability efforts that move our community towards zero waste.

Our first project is making compost from food waste. Food waste accounts for over 20% of landfill materials and production, transportation, and handling of food generate significant Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions and when food ends up in landfills, it generates methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas. We want to divert as much food waste as possible from our local waste stream through our Community Compost Club.

Members will work together to build a community worm bin that we can use for our household food waste. We will also help those interested in building home based vermicompsting systems.


Summer is coming and so is Dirty Bird's! 

