Thank you!

Aldervale Native Plant Sale Pop Up

Wow! What an amazing Native Plant Sale with Hope and Dave from Aldervale Natives. If you did not get a chance to come meet or talk to Hope, she is the guest speaker this month at the Pine Grove Community Potluck on September 19th 5:30-7:30. You must be a member and RSVP for the event, so sign up on their website while there are still spots available. She is a wealth of knowledge and will be sharing all of the reasons it is important to plant natives in your garden!

Also, if you still need to buy plants there are two plant sales coming up. The Hoffman Center’s Wonder Garden Plant Sale on September 30th, which focuses on all of the plants you see growing in the Wonder Garden; and the Aldervale Native Plant Sale on October 7th out at their nursery.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in all of the random (and free!) activities on the Dirty Bird’s lot. We are getting ready to button things up for the winter and have a few things left to invite you to before we all go into winter hibernation.

Finished Compost For Sale

Nehalem Valley Black Gold!

Come and get it while it lasts! We have a few more yards of delicious compost to get your gardens settled in for the winter. This is a great way to improve your soils and support the plants that grow in your garden. Email us if you are interested in picking some up and we will give you all of the details. $5/5 gallon buckets. BYOBucket or use our burlap bags.



Add your food scraps to our Community Worm Bins!

Our Community Compost Club continues to grow, with over 50 members adding their food scraps to our community worm bins. If you would like to join the club, it is free and open to all. This is a great way to reduce the amount of waste you are putting into the waste stream and the worms love it! If you would like help getting a worm bin set up at your home we can help you. It is a fun way to watch your veggies disappear and turn into black gold for your garden! Email us for all the details.


Join the Harvesting of the worm castings party

Worms love your veggie scraps! Keep’em coming!

On September 18th from 5-7pm we will be harvesting the first of the worm castings from our community bins. Come join the fun and see how easy vermicomposting is! Free and open to all! RSVP here


Worms. WormS. Worms.
